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Live with that "fresh from a nap" feeling anytime, anywhere.

Exhaustion is a familiar feeling whether it's work, school, kids, relationships, or merely the stresses of everyday life. God knew this and designed the perfect solution.

Sabbath is a gift we can enjoy anytime, anywhere, and it’s more than doing nothing or getting away from something. It’s about being with someone, focusing on what’s really important. When we come to the Father and invite Him to be with us, even in the little things, we find real rest, whether alone with Him, worshiping together, serving others, sharing a meal, or simply having fun. And the One who did this best was Jesus. His rhythms are our model.

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Rest begins by coming to Jesus. 

Jesus is the source of absolute rest. He is the Lord of the Sabbath. Yet, we don't come to Him like we should for various reasons. It may be because we see Him as unapproachable or because we just don't know how to pray the way we want. Whatever the reason, our devotional "Come Unto Me" offers a pathway of prayer to the gentle and humble savior.

Pick up your copy in our lobby, or you can scan the QR code or click here for a digital copy.

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Eat Together

There's no greater unifier than food. Hosting a meal was a great honor in Jesus' day, and what better way to engage the Sabbath than by taking time to share a meal with friends. Whether at someone's house, a restaurant, or a picnic, get with some friends, share a meal, and learn more about each other. You'll be amazed at how refreshing it is.

Serve Together

Jesus healed on the Sabbath, garnering the fury of the Pharisees. Jesus declared the Sabbath was made for man and not the other way around. If we're going to follow Jesus' model, we can't overlook the opportunity to share the love of God with someone by serving them. Get together with some friends and find an opportunity to serve at a local outreach.

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Pray Together

We may not think about it this way, but prayer is just as much a part of worship as singing and music. Prayer is about positioning our hearts to be with God, hear from Him, and intercede for the needs of those around us. Join us on July 7 at 6:00 pm for a night of praying together. Click the button below to learn more and sign up for childcare.

Have Fun Together

Being with close friends is sometimes enough to experience the refreshing peace God intended for us. After all, it's not good that we should be alone, so let's have fun with it! Join us for our bowling night on July 12 at 6 pm at Fiesta Lanes. Learn more and get directions at the event page by clicking the button below.

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Worship Together

What better way to celebrate the Sabbath than by being together in God's presence, adoring Him? Join us for a night of worship on August 4 at 6:00 pm. For more information and to sign up for childcare, click the link below.

Give Together

God meant it when He said it's more blessed to give than to receive. Generosity is a commission from God that began in the Old Testament and has carried through to today. Every year we partner with local and global ministry partners through giving to see the Kingdom of God go forward beyond our wildest imaginations.

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