Lead Pastor
James Gallaher
As Senior Pastor, James oversees and prepares the weekly preaching as well as leading the staff and mentoring marriages and young adults.
Dennis Gallaher
Dennis now serves as Pastor at Large in areas of preaching, teaching, and counseling as well as representing FFC in locations both nationally and internationally.
Charlie Kim
Charlie has a deep passion for pastoral ministry and discipleship. Among other things, he oversees adult education at Freedom Fellowship.
Daniel Hamilton
Daniel desires to see this generation hunger to hear God and that the love of God would transform the culture of young people in New Braunfels.
Worship Director
John David Martinez
John David has a passion for music and worship, having led for over 15 years in various churches. He desires to raise up the next generation of worship leaders.
Administrative Assistant
Valerie Johnson
Valerie joined the Freedom Fellowship staff in 2018 and serves as an administrator in the office. She enjoys loving and serving God's people and His church.
Financial Coordinator
Margaret Jeffers
Margaret has grown up in Freedom Fellowship and now serves as the financial overseer for the church. She has a passion to steward God's resources for the work of the ministry.
Creative Arts Director
Travis Keas
Travis oversees all creative aspects of Freedom Fellowship with a passion for worship through art and creatively communicating the gospel.
Women's Ministry Director
Meagan Rheinlaender
As Women's Director, Meagan's passion is to see women fall in love with Jesus and then share that love with their families and the surrounding community.
Freedom Kids Director
Kayleah Spinks
Kayleah's heart is to create an environment where kids can experience God and His love for them.
Facilities Director
David Justice
David oversees all maintenance and facilities responsibilities and special projects. His true passion is loving people through service projects.
Freedom Nursery Director
Emily Hamilton
Emily oversees our nursery and childcare. While they care for our youngest, her calling is to the mothers of Freedom Fellowship.
Facilities Assistant
Roy Sanderson
Roy's service at Freedom includes Men’s Ministry, campus maintenance and improvement projects, and support for the staff and Sunday services.
Freedom Academy and MDO Director
Trish Pinon
Roy's service at Freedom includes Men’s Ministry, campus maintenance and improvement projects, and support for the staff and Sunday services.