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Every person can minister directly to the heart of God.

About Us


Worship can mean different things to different people. We believe that worship isn't relegated solely to music, although that is the most common expression in modern churches. All of creation exists to glorify God. How much more should we, the crown of His creation, bring God our best worship?

Freedom Worship exists to use created things to worship the Creator. On Sunday mornings and in many of our smaller meetings, you'll see us using tools such as musical instruments, our voices, and visual instruments such as lights and cameras all for the sole purpose of worshiping God and leading others into His Presence.

We value worship over production, presence over performance, and excellence over perfection. Every expression of worship at Freedom Fellowship is Spirit-filled, biblically based, evangelistic, and excellently crafted.

What We Do

What We Do

On Sundays, you'll see worship in several different ways. The most common are our worship band which leads us through songs of praise, worship, and adoration of God. You'll also see our Freedom Kids services with its own worship and leader team. Our media team also emphasizes a foundation of worship and worship leading before anything else which informs every creative decision they make. Needless to say, we take worship very seriously, thoughtfully, and passionately.

Typically, Sunday worship consists of 3-4 songs with a time of ministry at the end of our services. Our music style is diverse as is our team, utilizing the vast wealth of worship music created over centuries. You may hear a current hit paired with a classic hymn. We value the biblical basis of the lyrics, the object of worship, and the dynamic styling over trends.

Worship Leader Team

Our Team

Our worship team leaders are passionate about loving Jesus and leading people into His Presence. This is the foundation of every decision they make.

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